A study of Occupational Health Nursing competencies and skills in Spain
Portada de Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales volumen 23 Número 1
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Occupational Health Nursing, Professional competence

How to Cite

González Caballero J. A study of Occupational Health Nursing competencies and skills in Spain. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];23(1):34-51. Available from: https://archivosdeprevencion.eu/index.php/aprl/article/view/10


Objective: To evaluate the importance and degree of development of the professional competences of occupational health nursing specialists in Spain described in Public Order SAS/1348/2009 in the areas of prevention, clinical care services, legal expertise, management, teaching and research.

Methodology: This cross-sectional, descriptive study surveyed occupational health nurse members of specific and/or relevant multidisciplinary professional societies at the autonomous community or state levels in Spain. A questionnaire, designed by an expert panel and  centered on approved professional competencies was administered in 2014. Descriptive statistics summarized the sociodemographic profile of respondents. Bivariate analysis, followed by multivariate linear regression analysis, was used to measure associations between specific independent variables and both the perceived importance and degree of development of each competency. 

Results: In the descriptive analysis of perceived importance, there are three competencies that stand out: manage a registration system that ensures the confidentiality of the data; increase the health level of the worker through health promotion and risk prevention, and identify real or potential occupational health problems. Regarding highest degree of development, the following stand out: management of a confidentiality registration system; provide urgent and emergency care in the workplace and identify real or potential occupational health problems.

Discussion: Type of occupational health service, the economic sector to which the company belonged and years of professional experience were associated with both the importance and degree of development of each of the competencies. 

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