Programs for Asbestos Abatement. Lessons from Poland
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asbestos; environmental exposure; consensus

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García López V. Programs for Asbestos Abatement. Lessons from Poland . Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];24(1):62-73. Available from:


Occupational exposure to asbestos is controlled under the 2009 European Union Directive. Currently, through epidemiological surveillance and pathology registries (mainly mesotheliomas), it is possible to record past exposures.

Despite prohibiting its use, large amounts of asbestos remain in buildings, infrastructures and vehicles, among others.

To better understand barriers to implementing these plans, we reviewed the experience in Poland the only country that to date has implemented an action plan with great financial support, together with actions carried out in Spain generally, and Navarre specifically, given the latter’s exhaustive registry of exposed workers.

The enormous economic effort required to implement these plans, along with the environmental risks associated with asbestos abatement, require detailed planning, which should consider understanding why the objectives set by Poland, a benchmark country, have not been achieved to date.
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