Ultra short version of Utrech Work Engagement Scale: validation in Peruvian workers
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Validation study; Psychometrics; Work Engagement; Burnout, Professional; Peru

How to Cite

Calderón-De La Cruz GA, Merino Soto C, Reyes Ayala I, Luna Yon KV. Ultra short version of Utrech Work Engagement Scale: validation in Peruvian workers. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];25(1):25-33. Available from: https://archivosdeprevencion.eu/index.php/aprl/article/view/121


Researchers and practicing professionals are continually assessing the positive effects of psychosocial factors at work. This study psychometrically examined use of the ultra-short version of the Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES-3). Two hundred workers in Lima, Peru participated, ranging from 21 to 53 years of age. We corroborated the validity of the scale,  according to its internal structure and relationship with other constructs; Cronbach alpha (?), omega (?) and H coefficients were the reliability estimators. Results confirmed the unidimensionality of the UWES-3 and its negative association with burnout syndrome; scale reliability, based on the three estimators, was high. The initial validity and reliability results of the UWES-3 can be considered satisfactory and encourage its continued use in the Peruvian workforce.

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