The incidence of COVID-19 in the worker population by economic activity in Navarre, May-December 2020
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COVID-19 incidence and work; Socio-occupational risk factors; Inequality and COVID-19; COVID-19 syndemic


How to Cite

Moreno Sueskun I, Extramiana Cameno E, Díaz-González JA, Fernández Baraibar J. The incidence of COVID-19 in the worker population by economic activity in Navarre, May-December 2020. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];25(2):119-27. Available from:


Objective: To identify a possible association between economic work activity of work and risk of illness in order to enable policies for more vulnerable groups of workers.

Methods: We present the incidence rates for COVID-19, confirmed through active infection diagnostic testing, by National Economic Activity Code for all workers in Navarra, registered in the social security system, for those divisions with an incidence and number of exposed persons above their respective 75th percentiles.

Results: Women and activities in services, food industry and construction, characterised by precarious employment, high presence of immigrants and probably worse living conditions, present a higher risk of becoming ill.

Conclusions: The socio-occupational inequalities associated with COVID-19 require an integrated public health and occupational health approach.
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