Psychometric validation of the UNIPSICO questionnaire in Valencian/Catalan language: analysis of the scales evaluating psychosocial demand variables
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occupational stress; occupational health; surveys and questionnaires; psychometrics; factor analysis

How to Cite

Llorca-Rubio JL, Llorca-Pellicer M, Gil-Monte PR, Gil-LaOrden P. Psychometric validation of the UNIPSICO questionnaire in Valencian/Catalan language: analysis of the scales evaluating psychosocial demand variables. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];25(3):285-99. Available from:


Aim: To analyse the psychometric properties of the demand scales of the UNIPSICO questionnaire in in Valencian / Catalan language.

Method: The sample consisted of 2114 participants from public administration centres of Generalitat Valenciana in Valencia. Data were collected using the UNIPSICO questionnaire, which is grouped into six scales that measure psychosocial risk factors related to job demands (33 items): role conflict (5 items), role ambiguity (5 items), workload (6 items), interpersonal conflicts (6 items), inequity in social exchanges (5 items), and work-family and family-work conflict (6 items). We performed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and measured Cronbach alpha and McDonald omega coefficients for the scales.

Results: All items had adequate statistical and psychometric values. The six-factor model that reproduces the original structure of the questionnaire presented an adequate fit to the data, and gender invariance. The Cronbach alpha and McDonald omega coefficients were acceptable for the six scales of the instrument.

Conclusions: These results contribute to the psychometric validation of the questionnaire and allow us to conclude that the demand scales of the UNIPSICO questionnaire translated to Valencian / Catalan language are reliable and possess construct validity for the assessment of psychosocial risk factors in government employees.
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