Pros and cons of teleworking in relation to the physical and mental health of the working general population: a narrative exploratory review
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Telework; Working from Home; Risk; Health


How to Cite

Tomasina F, Pisani A. Pros and cons of teleworking in relation to the physical and mental health of the working general population: a narrative exploratory review. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];25(2):147-61. Available from:


Teleworking has been growing over the decades, arising many challenges to overcome. The COVID-19 pandemic situation accelerated this process. The forms of presentation are varied, homework perhaps is the most frequent. The objective of this study was to carry out a review on teleworking in the positive and negative aspects in relation to the physical and mental health of the teleworker.

So, from the literature consulted, risk factors for health are identified, most of them correspond to damages derived from exposure to psychosocial and ergonomic risks. Sleep disturbances, anxiety and distress, and depression stand out as damage to mental health. With regard to damage to physical health, musculoskeletal disorders, alterations resulting from the decrease in physical activity due to sedentary lifestyle and stress, in particular non-communicable diseases, and alterations in vision are also identified. 

From a preventive perspective, actions aimed at policies linked to the organization of teleworking should be encouraged. In particular, those related with working and resting times, ensuring, among other aspects, the so-called right to disconnection. The ergonomic design of the workstation and taking active breaks are an element that also contributes to the well-being of the worker. The active participation of social actors, workers, employers and the state is strategic for teleworking, contributing to decent work and not to its precariousness.
PDF (Español (España))


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