Occupational Health Nurses' Role in the Occupational Health Surveillance of Exposure to Toxics: Toluene as a Case Study
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Occupational heatl nursing
Occupational health
Biological monitoring
Specimen Handling

How to Cite

de Pedro Jiménez D. Occupational Health Nurses’ Role in the Occupational Health Surveillance of Exposure to Toxics: Toluene as a Case Study. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];26(4):291-308. Available from: https://archivosdeprevencion.eu/index.php/aprl/article/view/312


Introduction: Toluene, an aromatic hydrocarbon present in various products, is primarily absorbed through the respiratory tract and can affect different body organs. Occupational health nurses play a key role in detecting acute and chronic exposures. They are also responsible for collecting and processing samples for biomonitoring. However, information on the collection and handling requirements, as well as nursing interventions, is scarce and heterogeneous.

Aims: We reviewed the existing literature linking toluene and occupational health nursing, identified sample collection and processing requirements, as well as signs and symptoms of exposure, and related them to diagnoses and nursing interventions.

Methods: We conducted a literature search using the PICO strategy, without limitations on document type, date, or language, in PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. Signs and symptoms were classified according to the system and nursing test performed during the health examination, identifying possible diagnoses and nursing interventions.

Results: We found no studies linking toluene and occupational health nursing. Seven out of 60 identified documents were selected, which provided information on sample collection requirements. Signs and symptoms were identified based on nursing tests and related to diagnoses and nursing interventions.

Conclusions: The presence of occupational health nursing in studies on toluene is scarce. Sample collection criteria are heterogeneous and limited. There were no studies relating signs and symptoms of toluene exposure to diagnoses and nursing interventions. Further studies on occupational toxicology are needed from a nursing perspective.

PDF (Español (España))


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