Diffuse interstitial lung disease of possible occupational origin treated at the Navarra Health Service. Navarra, Spain, 2017-2022
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Silicosis; Asbestosis; Interstitial Lung Diseases; Occupational Diseases

How to Cite

García López V, Jové Gómez D, Marin Martinez B, Chocrón Miño S, Castillo Sabogal A, Ibarra García A. Diffuse interstitial lung disease of possible occupational origin treated at the Navarra Health Service. Navarra, Spain, 2017-2022. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 16];27(2):173-89. Available from: https://archivosdeprevencion.eu/index.php/aprl/article/view/355


Introduction: Diffuse interstitial lung disease (ILD) describes a broad group of pulmonary inflammatory and fibrosis disorders. Asbestosis and silicosis are the main causes linked to occupational exposure. The aim of this study was to estimate the proportion of cases with possible occupational origin and describe their exposure, clinical, and occupational status.

Method: We conducted a retrospective longitudinal study of ILD cases between 2017 - 2022 at the University Hospital of Navarra was conducted. Information was supplemented with interviews of cases with possible occupational origin. The occupational proportion was calculated, labor and clinical characteristics analyzed, by statistical comparison of percentages and means.

Results: Out of 1067 ILD cases, 56 had a possible occupational origin 5,2% (95% CI 3,9-6,6%). 36 (64,3%) corresponded to asbestosis, 15 (26,8%) to silicosis, and 5 (8,9%) to unspecified pneumoconiosis. The most frequent activities in silicosis were "stone cutting-carving" and in asbestosis "manufacture of iron products". The average age of asbestosis cases was higher than that of silicosis cases (78,2 vs. 67,3 years), as well as their clinical manifestation. Five cases (8,9%) had been recognized as occupational diseases.

Conclusions: The implementation of a computer tool in medical records has made it possible to estimate the magnitude and assess the evolution of occupational ILD treated in the Public Health Service. Economic activities reflect the economic risk structure of the region. However, there is a lack of recognition of these diseases as occupational illnesses and they represent a preventable burden of respiratory disease.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Vega García López, Dunia Jove? Go?mez , Belén Marin Martinez , Sara Chocro?n Min?o , Andrea Castillo Sabogal, Angela Ibarra Garci?a


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