Characterization of occupational exposure to high temperatures based on regional ecological data. Argentina, 2005–2023
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Climate Change; Occupational health; Heat stress; Geographic information systems

How to Cite

Amable M, Abrutzky R, García V. Characterization of occupational exposure to high temperatures based on regional ecological data. Argentina, 2005–2023. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 28];27(4). Available from:


Objective: Exposure to high temperatures was evaluated with regional climate data provided by the National Meteorological Service, applying occupational exposure parameters. 

Methods: The provinces were characterized during 2005-2023 with maximum, average and minimum temperatures, and daily humidity percentages. Days with dangerous temperatures were defined as 28ºC and 90% humidity. And days with tiring temperatures form 25ºC to 28ºC along with humidity greater than 85% and less than 90%.

Results: Seven northwest and northeast provinces are identified as having an increased risk of health effects from dangerous temperatures. The map is expanded by analyzing the tiring temperatures, including six other central provinces with a temperate climate, and recording tiring temperatures during the winter semesters. We identified thirteen regions with greater frequency and intensity of exposure to high temperature and humidity and an increasing trend of dangerous temperatures in the analyzed period. It was found that in many provinces the occupational risk due to high temperatures is not only a summer situation.

Conclusions: Taking into account climate scenarios projected for 2030, there will be a significant increase in the number of days with dangerous temperatures in most provinces, while days with tiring temperatures increase only in some provinces such as Córdoba and Buenos Aires in the template zone. They concentrate the largest proportion of the working population, so and increase in occupational injuries could be expected due to high temperatures.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Marcelo Amable, Rosana Abrutzky, Viviana García


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