Mineralogical analysis and occupational records of asbestos, one more example of its value
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asbestos,environmentalexposure, consensus

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García López V. Mineralogical analysis and occupational records of asbestos, one more example of its value. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 25];23(3):357-62. Available from: https://archivosdeprevencion.eu/index.php/aprl/article/view/66


Navarra has the first and most exhaustive Register of workers exposed to asbestos in the country. There are currently 2,858 workers, 395 women and 2,463 men. Almost all of them no longer occupy positions of risk. For years it has helped to recognize the professional contingency of damages.

Paradoxically, in this case, a worker who died of lung cancer with previous interstitial pathology, a negative result of an autopsy, 425CF / gr of dry lung tissue (CF ferruginous bodies), was used as an argument to reject the professional origin.

It is necessary to consider that a positive result confirms past exposure but the negative ones should not be evaluated when it has been to chrysotile, given the low temporal persistence in tissues.

A reliable work history and, when they exist, the Records must be the main causal argument.

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